January 18, 2018
H2Oi, Cruisin’: Officials weigh fines, other venues amid 'mayhem'
Susan Parker, [email protected] Published 6:00 a.m. ET Jan. 18, 2018 | Updated 8:32 p.m. ET Jan. 18, 2018
In the wake of problems that occurred during the 2017 H2O International and Endless Summer Cruisin' events in Ocean City, the Motor Event Task Force was created to address some of the issues that increasingly come with the resort's car-themed events.
The first meeting in December established specific areas for members to investigate, primarily ways for the town to lessen some of the immediate impact of these events.
And by impact, officials mean disrespect for both the community and law enforcement, loud noises into the wee hours of the morning, law-breaking and general mayhem and disregard for everyone in the resort.
The task force met for the second time Wednesday, Jan. 17, at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center, to solidify a strategy.
December 07, 2017
Two Grants Totaling $250K To Expand Worcester Mental Health Care Services
The Dispatch Dec 07,2017 by Bethany Hooper
Pictured, from left, are Maryland Community Health Resources Commission Chair Dr. Allan Anderson, Delegate Mary Beth Carozza, Worcester Youth and Family Counseling Services Executive Director Steven Taylor and Maryland Community Health Resources Commission Executive Director Mark Luckner. Photo by Bethany Hooper
BERLIN – Two grants totaling $250,000 are expected to expand mental health services in Worcester County.
On Wednesday, officials with Worcester Youth and Family Counseling Services announced the nonprofit had secured $250,000 in grants to fund two clinicians over the course of two years.
November 19, 2017
Delegate Mary Beth Carozza, a Republican who was elected to represent District 38C four years ago, announced Sunday she will challenge incumbent Sen. Jim Mathias, a Democrat, in the 2018 election.
"I believe it is my calling," Carozza told a large group that gathered Sunday at Ocean City Elementary School.
Carozza, 56, grew up in Ocean City, where her family operated a drive-through restaurant called Beefy’s. She graduated from Stephen Decatur High School in Berlin and the Catholic University of America in Washington, where she earned joint BA and MA degrees.