Carozza Appointed to the 2030 Apprenticeship Commission

Carozza Appointed to the Apprenticeship 2030 Commission

ANNAPOLIS, MD - Senator Mary Beth Carozza (R-District 38) has accepted an appointment made by Senator President Bill Ferguson to serve on the Apprenticeship 2030 Commission.
The purpose of the commission, established by the passage of Senate Bill 104 in the 2023 Maryland General Assembly Session, is to examine and make recommendations to reduce skill shortages in high-demand occupations and provide affordable training for career pathways for young people.

“I constantly hear about the shortage of skilled and trained employees, and this appointment will allow me to continue to work with local industry, students and community leaders with an apprenticeship focus to meet the needs of the employers while keeping our young talent right here on the Shore,” said Carozza who has worked on this general priority with Shore employers, local technology high schools, Wor-Wic Community College, and the Tri-County Council since she was elected as a Delegate in 2014.

Carozza noted workforce shortages in all the major industries, and that the work on the Apprentice Commission will be focused on expanding registered apprenticeships to 60,000 by
2030 and reaching the goal for 45 percent of high school graduates to complete the high school level of a registered apprenticeship.

Other Maryland Senators appointed to the Commission include Senate President Pro Tem Malcolm Augustine (D- District 47, Prince Georges); Senate Budget Committee Vice Chair Jim Rosapepe (D-District 21, Prince Georges and Anne Arundel); and Senator Arthur Ellis (D-District 28, Charles County). 

The Commission will report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly December 1, 2023.

Mary Beth Carozza for State Senate