Eastern Shore Lawmakers highlight 2024 Legislation Priorities
Maryland- Ahead of an impending budget crunch, and state deficit in Maryland, Eastern Shore lawmakers are pushing for reform for juvenile justice, funding for local projects, and workforce development in 2024.
Maryland State Senator Mary Beth Carozza tells 47ABC public safety is her number one priority, as she looks to introduce a suite of juvenile justice reform legislation, co-written with Wicomico County State’s Attorney Jamie Dykes.
Senator Carozza tells 47ABC that the rise in crime across the state has led to bi-partisan support for reform, including from Maryland Governor Wes Moore.
“We have a package of public safety bills that will address, repeat violent offenders and hold them accountable, as well as do something about juvenile crime,
and that will be not just the services for juveniles, but also for those violent juveniles that we need to have some accountability there as well,” Carozza said adding “Governor Moore asked for those bills to be shared with him, and we have done so, he is indicating an interest in working with us and we will continue to press we will do everything we can to take meaningful action on our crime bill...
Excerpted from WMDT. For the full article, click below.
Eastern Shore lawmakers highlight push for legislation in 2024 - 47abc (wmdt.com)